Americans Must Always Be Vigilant (by Nolan Guilbeau)

September 22, 2009

by Nolan Guilbeau Published in The (Opelousas, Louisiana) Daily World
℅ Shawn Brasseaux

An 18th century philosopher stated, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good to do nothing.” With these inspiring words in a conflicted world, hopefully my recent writings may motivate readers to investigate the alarming signs of our times.

Disregarding the growing upheaval in society and government is irresponsible. Our citizens can learn valuable lessons from documented historical facts to understand the dangers we’re facing. Bearing respected credentials, J. Edgar Hoover, former director of the FBI, and his investigative organization spent decades compiling vast records of compelling evidence, detailing incredulous criminal, treasonous activities planned against this nation by the evil forces of socialism/communism. Citizens should be attentive to warnings when presented with established ‘FACTS’ exposing hidden dangers. These perils continue multiplying in our midst with telltale signs. Beware, the strategy of these conspirators are laced with lies and deception.

Hoover issued a sobering statement “The Marxists have never forgotten that ‘violence’ is an ‘inevitable’ accompaniment to the collapse of capitalism on its full scale of the birth of a socialistic society.” It’s well known this enemy labors tirelessly, attempting to deny American citizens their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, provided by the Second Amendment, for self-defense and repelling tyrants. Socialists also promote the philosophy of relinquishing the citizen’s individual rights for the common good, while the elitist’s plan is to remain in solitary ‘control’ over the lives of we the people.

Industries were recently nationalized, another socialistic/communistic signature. Other realities may soon follow; businesses liquidated, the police as we know disbanded and replaced by ‘civilian security forces’ to isolate/protect the State from the people. Free press muzzled, free speech forbidden, and radio, television, communications becoming property of the State and used for propaganda. Lawyers abolished, clergy made to accept the Communist party line that God doesn’t exist, etc. That’s totalitarianism!

Are any of America’s leaders seeking God’s wisdom for direction in solving our national problems? Our civic duty calls us to restore this nation and its trampled Constitution to its rightful owners, we the people! “The people who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.”