Sin of Presumption?

September 10, 2009

by Shawn Brasseaux
Published in
The (Opelousas, Louisiana) Daily World

Did you know that there are over 38,000 denominations professing Christianity? In eternity, you will not be judged on the basis of your church membership. In Romans 2:16 KJV, we learn that Jesus Christ will judge us according to Paul’s Gospel. Did we accept 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 as the only means for salvation? Or, did we reject it? It is an exclusivist Gospel, and there is no neutral ground.

In order to be in right standing with God, we do not have to keep the commandments and adhere to the sacraments like religious tradition teaches. God’s Word says “for by grace are ye saved through faith; not of works lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9). Sadly, most people argue with this verse and they refuse to acknowledge that faith in Christ is sufficient for salvation. They want to work for their salvation.

No matter what we do, we will never “measure up” to God’s standard of perfection: the Bible says the Ten Commandments condemn us, not save us (Romans 3:19,20). No water baptism, prayer, or religious authority will ever get us into heaven because none of them have power to take away sin and our sins must be dealt with before we can get into right standing with God. However, God’s Son was obedient, sinless, and righteous—everything that we are not. Jesus Christ “measured up,” and the Bible says that once we have faith in that Gospel of Grace, God “imputes” (applies) Christ’s righteousness to our account.

We receive forgiveness and undeserved favor (grace) through Christ. The only way to get right with God is to be “in Christ.” Trusting in the shed blood, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is how to get “in Christ.” My friends, the Bible never says anything about “the sin of presumption.” I have assurance of going to heaven because Christ was “good enough.” I boast not in my own righteousness, but in the righteousness of my Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory forever!