Some Forsaking Sound Doctrine to Attack Others (by Nolan Guilbeau)

December 3, 2007

by Nolan Guilbeau Published in The (Opelousas, Louisiana) Daily World
℅ Shawn Brasseaux

In the latter days of this church age, it’s not surprising to experience the rise of the spirit of the antichrist in the world. The scriptures amply address this very subject. They caution and serve as a reminder to the readers of the awful deceptions and events that will eventually come to pass involving religions of the world. The readers have the option to believe or reject these messages. However, ignorance or indifference doesn’t alter the facts of God’s messages to mankind. They remain true and always will, according to the scriptures. (Psalms 119:89) “Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven.”

It’s rather interesting to read in the “Story Chats” people who use coded methods to obscure their identities. A few use this method to protest, dissent or attack the writers of letters to the editor. A recent one to critique my letters was a professing Baptist who suggested my messages “divide.” He evidently expects humanity to embrace the ecumenical movement, predominately led by Rome, which will lead to a one-world religion. He stated: “We are of the same faith” as the Roman church. I’m left to wonder how often this seemingly faithful ecumenist frequents the Roman church and participates in its services?

This is one of the many deceptions cast upon naive, well-meaning, yet uninformed people that take place before the return of Jesus Christ. How can there be “unity” when two entities each proclaim a different gospel? Impossible. The apostle Paul gives a clarion call: “Be not unequally yoked,” “Come out from among them,” and “Be ye separate.” (II Corinthians 6:14 & 17) This is a call for “separation:” not unity. Separation for the tight reasons is commanded. Bible-believing Christians have a God-given duty to proclaim the pure gospel of Jesus Christ of the scriptures and not another gospel. (Romans 1:16) A soft-peddled, sugar-coated, polluted gospel seems to be the order of today. Shame!

To those who believe sound Biblical doctrines are unimportant and can be sacrificed at will for the sake of “unity,” I suggest you also research and renew your minds of what the Reformation was all about. We may have again entered the conditions of a pre-Reformation period because of the indifference of some genuine Christians. Fact: Evangelical Christians have standing curses and damnations against them in Rome’s canons and decrees of centuries ago and reaffirmed in the 1960s. Do these few whiners and chronic complainers of my letters ever cry out “foul” to these injustices contrived by Rome’s religious hierarchy on Bible-believing Christians? No. Why the silence? Is this an endorsement of these injustices?

Suppressing the exercise of free speech in any society is bondage, which eventually leads to tyranny reminiscent of the Dark Ages. Amazingly, many don’t seem to have a clue while others reject truth. Those who cast aspersions and suggest I dislike Catholics are very, very mistaken in judgment. Most all of my relatives are of that faith, and I would be less than human to dislike them because of their religion. Love of family is innate. I leave this message: “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, Not of works lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9).