Grace is Not a License to Sin

October 18, 2008

by Shawn Brasseaux
Published in
The (Opelousas, Louisiana) Daily World

Does Almighty God cower in fear while a puny rebellious human wags his finger and stomps his feet? Scoffers are living proof that the Holy Scriptures are 100 percent accurate.

“Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20). No matter how vile the sin may be to us, God’s grace would indeed surpass it. God extends the Dispensation of Grace, postponing the wrath and vexation of the Tribulation (Psalm 2:4-5). Now, do not be frivolous: grace is not license to sin. The word of God instructs us not to test God’s grace to determine just how far down we can get into sin (Romans 6:1,2,14,15). God’s grace surpasses everything we will ever know. It was the attribute that motivated the Creator to pay the ultimate price for us. He knew they would reject and ridicule Him, spit on Him, scourge Him, and ultimately kill Him (Acts 2:22-28).

Despite His foreknowledge of suffering, His incomparable grace led Him to become human. He would relinquish his own life on an old rugged cross. Perhaps there is something in your past that haunts you to this day. No matter what kind of lifestyle you are living, you are no more or no less a sinner than anyone else. Even Christians stumble in sin, but you will not have that burning desire to sin as much as before. The Christian life is not a bed of roses, but the Lord is a reservoir of hope, joy love, and peace: the world and religion cannot offer any of these.

God’s grace can overcome everything that is wrong with you. If you never remember anything else from what I write, remember that without God’s grace, there would be no plan of redemption, no Bible, no salvation. Contrary to popular church tradition, we do not need to do anything to receive God’s grace, as grace is unmerited favor.